NAAFA Chronicles #102

Image Description: A snapshot of part of the front page of the May/April 1989 NAAFA Newsletter.

As part of our monthly NAAFA Chronicles feature, enjoy NAAFA's 101st newsletter from May/April 1989.

CW: Use of language that may be triggering

The NAAFA Chronicles reflect a piece of fat acceptance/fat activist history. In the May/April 1989 issue you will find: an article about NAAFA’s 20th anniversary, information on a lawsuit victory by a fat person who was dismissed from nursing school because of her size, additional results from a survey NAAFA conducted on employment discrimination, and more!

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Darliene Howell

Darliene Howell (she/her) is retired from county government where she worked her way up to the position of Department Analyst in Human Resources. She is an active fat liberationist who heartily believes in the mission and goals of NAAFA. She first encountered NAAFA at the 25th Anniversary Conference and has volunteered in various capacities with the Board of Directors since 2005. Darliene was appointed Chair of the Board from 2015 - 2020. After her term as Chair of the Board, she became the Administrative Director of the organization and remains so today. In her spare time, Darliene loves to collect and watch movies, and share her life with her sister/best friend.


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