Fat Death Planning Resources

Why talk about fat death?

Death is an inevitability we all face. As fat people, there are certain considerations that must be made when planning for death care. Knowledge about your options and making plans can make the process easier for you and your loved ones. 

We are in the process of compiling information about caring for a person’s remains, life insurance options, legacy planning, and more. The information presented is not comprehensive, but is intended to help you and/or your loved ones begin thinking about the specific needs of fat people at the end of our lives.


Caring for your remains

Information about burial, cremation, aquamation, human composting, and donating your body to science.


Life insurance

Information about policies that provide life insurance for fat people.


End of life care

Information related to making decisions for care at the end of your life, whether it be at home, in a skilled nursing facility, or hospice center.


Legacy planning

Information about estate planning, charitable contributions, and how you want to be memorialized.


Cultural and Spiritual traditions

Resources around how fatness intersects with spirituality, grief, and mourning in different communities.


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We welcome your questions and suggestions regarding this information and the other death-related resources we are compiling. Click below to share your thoughts on this subject.