NAAFA releases new research on fat bias in the news

Renowned researcher Pamela Mejia helps us shed light on how the news media is and is not covering fat issues


A stack of newspapers if shown on a blue and white background. Text reads: The Size of It” Fat Bias in the News.

A quantitative review of one year of national news coverage (Dec. 1, 2021 - Nov. 30, 2022) found that a mere 48 articles about anti-fatness were written or published by traditional news sources, and only 24 spoke about fat liberation or justice in any way. Meanwhile, traditional news sources featured over 18,000 articles focused on covering weight loss.

Pamela Mejia, Head of Research and Principle Investigator for the Berkeley Media Studies Group, conducted this first of its kind research. “I’ve been following fat rights and body positivity for years, and as a media researcher, I was curious to see if the movements had made an impact on the news. I have to admit, I was surprised to see how little coverage there actually was about fat civil rights and liberation.”

Recognizing that members of the media are often looking for ways to better represent their audiences and our world, the report offers a set of recommendations for how journalists can expand their coverage of fat people, include more voices, and offer new narratives.