Media & Research Roundup - July 2024

Image description: A photo of white bookshelves filled with books.The two shelves toward the front are curved, while the two in the back are straight.

By Bill and Terri Weitze, with additional reporting by Amanda Cooper

CONTENT WARNING: Some articles featured in the Media & Research Roundup may refer to stigmatizing events or use stigmatizing language.

June 22, 2024: Fat activist Jordan Underwood and vintage store owner Emma Zack organized a Fat Beach Day at Jacob Riis Beach in New York to fight fat-phobia, reclaim safe spaces for the community, and honor plus-size culture.

June 27, and July 2, 2024: This article exposing the anti-fatness in much of the commentary about the “mixed weight” relationship in the Netflix hit Bridgerton generated a lot of further discussion in traditional and social media, with many online offended by the headline. This piece points out that “mixed weight” relationships with larger men have been common in movies and television for decades, and what’s new about this one is that its the woman who is fatter.  

June 28, 2024: The fashion industry’s commitment to diversity seems to be stalled, at best, or waning, at worst, especially when it comes to representation of mid-size and XL male models.

July 3, 2024: Join Jason Vaughn as he “fat tests” the Brightline train between Orlando and Fort Lauderdale, offering his opinions and advice for fat travelers.

July 12, 2024: Author Stephanie Yeboah discusses how the body positive movement has been co-opted by privileged smaller people, excluding the people for whom the movement was initially created. This series of first person essays from May 29, 2024, also offers perspectives from fat Black people in the “era of Ozempic,” plus it includes our own Tigress Osborn.

Other Articles from the July 2024 Newsletter

Terri and Bill Weitze

Terri and Bill Weitze have been active within NAAFA for years, and they currently coauthor the Media and Research Roundup in the NAAFA Newsletter. They both live and work in San Jose, CA, and met through a fat-positive bulletin board system before the days of the World Wide Web.


Anti-Racism Resources - July 2024


NAAFA Chronicles #102