Anti-Racism Resources - August 2023


Image Description: On a yellow to pink gradient background is an illustration of three raised fists signifying people of color. Above the image is the text “Anti-Racism Resources August 2023” and below is the text “Fat Liberation Month.”

Compiled by Dawn Clark, NAAFA Board Member

Each month, we will feature educational resources on the NAAFA Community Voices Blog to support our community in taking action to combat racism. Some resources will be historic information about systemic racism. Others will be resources on doing the internal work of understanding ourselves and how we play a part in that system. 

August is Fat Liberation Month. In this edition of NAAFA’s anti-racism resources, we focus on ways to support our disabled and BIPOC family, friends, and neighbors.

Regarding the Montgomery Docks Brawl, I love the response from our Executive Director, Tigress Osborn:

“While all of you have your attention on folding chairs, let me just say this: a sturdy folding chair with a high weight capacity makes your setting or event more accessible and comfortable for your fat friends. You should always do due diligence and ensure that's the kind you have. And if that happens to make it more effective for other needs, well hey, that's between you, the Chair, whoever else is involved, and your higher power. Also, on another serious note, listen to and learn from folx *especially Black folx* who are telling you about the significance of those docks and about what this moment means to us in relation to community and collective self-defense and more. Just because we are on one about the chair doesn't mean we are ignoring the serious aspects of the situation.”

Happy Fat Liberation Month everyBODY. 

I am learning more about the Fat Liberation Movement. In researching the history, I have come to discover that much of it is missing the overwhelming contribution of BIPOC folx. Much of what you find online comes from a white (and mostly female) perspective. I had a hard time finding much on the front page of searches and sometimes had to dig deep for information. We must do better at lifting these voices to the top and making sure they are heard.

Here are some resources to learn more:

Here is a list of books you can check out:

Photo of Dawn Clark

About the Author

Dawn Clark (she/her) joined the NAAFA board in 2022. She is a board member at large and the chair of the Medical Advocacy Committee. She has given talks about Fat Hate she has experienced with Medical providers. She also works in her community to help with food insecurity and housing.

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