NAAFA Community Voices Blog

Sharing thoughts and ideas from fat community.

Image shows a young black woman with blonde hair and wearing glasses, a pink sweater and a laptop on the desk in front of her.

Image shows a young black woman with blonde hair and wearing glasses, a pink sweater and a laptop on the desk in front of her.

Blog postings are shown in date order of posting (newest to oldest). You may search by author, tag or use the following categories: Events, From the Newsletter, Guest Posts, History, Legislation, LGBTQIA+, Medical, Press Releases, Resource Guides, Videos, Webinars.

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Reflections on Growing Up Fat and Chinese-American

In Chinese culture, women are supposed to be small. Not just in stature, but in how we exist in the world. There is this old school idea that Chinese girls should be quiet, small, slender, take up as little space as possible. There is no being loud, there is no taking up space, there is absolutely no being fat. Well. I’m fat. And I always have been. I grew up culturally Chinese American.

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What Fat Liberation Means to Me: Instagrammers Celebrate Fat Liberation Month!

At the beginning of Fat Liberation Month (May), NAAFA invited everyone to post in social media sharing what fat liberation means to them, using the #fatliberationmonth. There have been photos, video, graphics and written captions expressing the thoughts of fat folx all over social media! Here are a few of the responses we have seen so far this month on Instagram. We invite you to share your thoughts on fat liberation on your favorite social media platforms using the hashtag #fatliberationmonth also.

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Medical, From the Newsletter, Healthcare, Activism, Media Terri and Bill Weitze Medical, From the Newsletter, Healthcare, Activism, Media Terri and Bill Weitze

Media and Research Roundup

For the latest information and research on fatness, check out the Media and Research Roundup. This issue features: studies around weight loss surgery complications, discussion on the body positive movement, NAAFA's FLARE (Fat Legal Advocacy, Rights & Education) Project provides a COVID-19 Vaccine Access ,Fat Fact Sheet and more.

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Guest Posts, Medical, Fat Liberation Month Peggy Howell Guest Posts, Medical, Fat Liberation Month Peggy Howell

Diets Really Don’t Work

Stop believing the diet industry’s marketing. Stop believing the hype and the lies. We are not all meant to be the same. We come in all sizes; short, tall, thin, fat and everything in between. Learn to accept and celebrate our differences.

Stop buying into the lies that you are not fine just the way you are. Don’t believe the diet and healthcare industry when they tell you they are only concerned about your health. It’s not your health, it's your money that concerns them!

Take the time to consider what you are hungry for and enjoy the best possible food you can. Find an activity that you enjoy, whether it’s walking, swimming, dancing, working out...include that in your life on a regular basis. Focus on the things that matter like family, friends and helping others. The rest will take care of itself!

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May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. In this edition of NAAFA’s anti-racism resources, we want to focus on Asian American and Pacific Islanders and what each of us can do to break the cycle of racism and violence against our AAPI family, friends and neighbors.

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FATT Chat #2: Caleb Luna

Interview with writer, performer, Caleb Luna. Caleb describes themself as a light-skinned, superfat Latinx non-binary person with short, curly black hair, a gold piercing in their right nostril and gold hoop in their septum. In this interview, they discuss their fat acceptance story, who influenced them as a fat person and as a performer, dancing as a fat person, body diversity, and they share a number of people and organizations that they use to empower them. A resource guide to all referenced during the interview is included at the end of the transcript.

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Anti-Racism Resources

Racism is a systemic issue in America. It takes education and introspection to dismantle racism in ourselves and others. Each month, NAAFA is featuring educational resources in the NAAFA Newsletter. March was Women’s History Month. In the theme of National Women's History Month, we are sharing resources that specifically feature women and discuss inequality based on race and gender.

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From the Newsletter, Events, Activism Darliene Howell From the Newsletter, Events, Activism Darliene Howell

Everyone at NAAFA is proud and excited to announce our first-ever Fat Liberation Month!

Everyone at NAAFA is proud and excited to announce our first-ever Fat Liberation Month! Here at NAAFA, we’ve planned lots of fun and educational activities for May. All of them are free of charge to fat community and fat-positive folx of all sizes. We hope they will entertain you, teach you, inspire you, and fortify you with an extra, supersized dose of support as you strive to live your best fat life during what is, for many, one of the most challenging times in modern history.

We can’t wait to see all the ways you choose to celebrate Fat Liberation Month yourselves. Use #FatLibertionMonth on your favorite social media sites to show off how you’re celebrating and to check out how others are celebrating, too!

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BIPOC, From the Newsletters, Resource Guides Darliene Howell BIPOC, From the Newsletters, Resource Guides Darliene Howell

Making a Difference

Women and non binary persons act as advocates and activists in innumerable ways and they need to be recognized for their work and dedication. I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight a few of those leaders with you who are fat, activists and influencers who continue the charge to change our society. If you haven’t done so, check them out!

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Darliene Howell Darliene Howell


NAAFA wants to create a Fat Trivia Game! In order to do so, we need some fun “Fat Facts” to use in the game (must be verifiable). We would like to build our game using suggestions from fat community and would like to know if you can help!

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History, Medical, NAAFA Organization, Health At Every Size Barbara Altman Bruno History, Medical, NAAFA Organization, Health At Every Size Barbara Altman Bruno

The History of Health at Every Size®: Chapter 7: The Early 21st Century

HAES® and the war against obesity responded increasingly to each other by the 21st century. The war against obesity ramped up to what sociologist Abigail Saguy referred to as a moral panic, from the late 1990s on. This post discusses the history of Health at Every Size in the early 21st century.

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Anti-Racism Resources

Racism is a systemic issue in America. It takes education and introspection to dismantle racism in ourselves and others. Each month, NAAFA is featuring educational resources in the NAAFA Newsletter. February was Black History Month. While most of us were "educated" in U.S. history, much of the history of racism in America was whitewashed from that education. This month's antiracism resources give us links to historical facts that were so often covered up.

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CNSU Medical Students Provide Hope for the Future

In December 2020, Dr. Lily O’Hara had the great pleasure of presenting a webinar to medical students at California Northstate University (CNSU) on fat phobia in medicine. In the webinar, she discussed concepts related to weight-based oppression, and how fat people and people with larger bodies can experience such oppression in encounters with medical settings and medical practitioners.

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Medical, From the Newsletter, Healthcare, Activism Terri and Bill Weitze Medical, From the Newsletter, Healthcare, Activism Terri and Bill Weitze

Media and Research Roundup

For the latest information and research on fatness, check out the Media and Research Roundup. This issue features: discussion of why dieting and forced exercise is child abuse in the form of punishing a child because of their (natural) body size; studies showing the protective aspects of fat in acute coronary events and coronary artery disease, how weight should not be a factor in total knee replacement; a call for body neutralty rather than body postitivity; calling out fitness instructors that make food something to fear and the need for exercise to counteract the food you eat.

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Darliene Howell Darliene Howell

Intermittent Fasting: The Meal-Skipping Fad

Intermittent fasting (IF) seems to be everywhere. It started like so many other diet fads spreading on social media and then jumping to commercial weight loss programs. Unlike most fads, IF made the leap to the New England Journal of Medicine and from there to medical media. Soon we were all hearing about the wonders of IF from our doctors at every visit.

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From the Newsletter NAAFA Admin From the Newsletter NAAFA Admin

Fat Spring Reading List: Book Recommendations from the NAAFA Board

We asked NAAFA’s four newest board members to each choose a fat-relevant book. The variety of authors and subjects they've covered in just four picks is incredible. This spring, you'll read the works of an acclaimed Black chef and cultural historian, a disability justice icon, a hot new fiction writer, and a well-known fat activist. Once again, we'll host webinars featuring the authors.

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