What Fat Liberation Means to Me: Instagrammers Celebrate Fat Liberation Month!

Graphic reads, "What Fat Liberation Means to Me: Instagrammers Celebrate Fat Liberation Month!" with a photo of the Fat Liberation Month Share meme; below that reads, "Community Voices Blog and a blue bar with naafa.org and the NAAFA logo at the bot…

Graphic reads, "What Fat Liberation Means to Me: Instagrammers Celebrate Fat Liberation Month!" with a photo of the Fat Liberation Month Share meme; below that reads, "Community Voices Blog and a blue bar with naafa.org and the NAAFA logo at the bottom.

Content warning: Some Adult Language

At the beginning of Fat Liberation Month (May), NAAFA invited everyone to post in social media sharing what fat liberation means to them, using the #fatliberationmonth.  There have been photos, video, graphics and written captions expressing the thoughts of fat folx all over social media! Here are a few of the responses we have seen so far this month on Instagram.  We invite you to share your thoughts on fat liberation on your favorite social media platforms using the hashtag #fatliberationmonth also.


Happy @naafaofficial Fat Liberation Month!

Eat that Ice cream and scream with me .. Fuck Diet Culture!!

Check out @fatfemmecollective for more fat liberation content


Of course, the goal of body liberation is that all bodies of all sizes, colors, and configurations have access to all the same resources and are treated with the same respect. So, why the focus on liberating fat bodies when we want to liberate all bodies?

Simply, because fat bodies have more obstacles than other bodies. Fat Black, Indigenous, Brown, and Asian bodies face the most obstacles. So, we have to focus the fight there. None of us are free until all of us are free. And starting the fight with the hardest aspects of the fight helps us define what liberation really looks like.

What obstacles do fat bodies face that other bodies don’t?

* Fat people can legally be fired for being fat.

* Fat people are less likely to be hired than thinner people.

* Fat people make less money than thinner people.

* Fat people receive less reliable and effective healthcare.

* Fat people are more likely to have their legitimate medical issues ignored because of their weight.

* Fat people are more likely to die from chronic diseases, not because their fatness causes disease, but because doctors do not diagnose their ailments or give them proper treatment.

* Fat people are more likely to be forced into unnecessary medical procedures because of their fatness.

* Fat people have to spend way more money on clothing.

* Fat people have much less access to clothing, especially fashionable clothing.

* Fat people often can’t access places because the seating is too small.

* Fat people face constant harassment and bullying.

People in smaller bodies, even smaller fat bodies, don’t experience these obstacles. The answer is not forcing people to change their bodies, which doesn’t work long term. The answer is building a more equitable world. That’s why we focus on fat liberation.


It’s the end of the academic year and I’ve uploaded my grades. And I’m tired. It was a hard year of teaching solely online without the connection and comradeship I get from my amazing colleagues. Those casual conversations, running ideas by someone, hearing about their kids, and having someone to grab a quick coffee with. I know we are all feeling it.

I can’t really muster up some good Me Made May energy at the moment (so please enjoy this pic from a few weeks ago). I’m trying my best to cheer on everyone in our community. I love seeing us come together to celebrate our making wins (and not-so-wins!). And I won’t lie - I especially love seeing marginalized bodies proudly displaying what they have created. Our community honestly is an amazing way to create connection, especially at the moment. I love you all!


So I wanna talk about this ole body for a minute. This body has allowed me to do some amazing things but not without challenges and pain & not without the violence that living in a Black & Fat body comes with. A lot of people just see my body & think “of only she were smaller she could do great things” not realizing in this FAT BODY I’ve done some pretty badass things. Let’s see: I’ve gotten 2 degrees in this body, climbed/hiked mountains in this body, lifted hundreds of pounds in this body, helped children/teens on their journeys to healing as a therapist, etc. Makes me wonder when is it going to be enough or maybe this isn’t really about my body. It’s about THEM! This is a THEM problem not a ME problem. Their anti-fatness & their racism is their problem & I won’t carry it around like it’s MY problem & you shouldn’t either. People will talk about you until the day you die & that’s not your problem that’s their problem & the most important thing is how you handle it & how it impacts you. Don’t let the words or hate of small minded folx make you think you’re a mistake when in fact you’re a GIFT. You are ENOUGH in the body you are in & should always be affirmed in that body. Anyone else tells you otherwise has some inside work to do but it’s not a YOU problem. You are perfect. Have an amazing day loves!



I’m not going to lie, I was hesitant getting on the carousel with my kids down at the beach. Some old demons reared their ugly heads.

The first demon said, “But what if it doesn’t hold your weight?”

I scoured the signage to see if there was a weight limit. I reminded myself that I’ve seen full grown adult men a foot taller than me with their kids and two straight-sized adult women on one pony between them. These ponies cope with their weights combined, they’ll cope with mine.

The second demon said, “What on EARTH will you look like up there?!”

‘Shut up,’ I thought, ‘I’ll look like a mum having a great time with her children on a fairground ride.’

The third demon said, “But what will people think of you, a fat woman, on a ride?”

You know what? SCREW IT. What other people think of me is absolutely none of my business.

So I hopped on the ride, it didn’t grind to a halt under my weight, sea air blew through my hair, and oh how we smiled and laughed.

What’s stopping you?

Postings are being shared with the permission of the authors. Feel free to click on their name to go to their Instagram page and learn more about how they are celebrating Fat Liberation Month or search #fatliberationmonth to see other posts!


Reflections on Growing Up Fat and Chinese-American


Media and Research Roundup