NAAFA Community Voices Blog

Sharing thoughts and ideas from fat community.

Image shows a young black woman with blonde hair and wearing glasses, a pink sweater and a laptop on the desk in front of her.

Image shows a young black woman with blonde hair and wearing glasses, a pink sweater and a laptop on the desk in front of her.

Blog postings are shown in date order of posting (newest to oldest). You may search by author, tag or use the following categories: Events, From the Newsletter, Guest Posts, History, Legislation, LGBTQIA+, Medical, Press Releases, Resource Guides, Videos, Webinars.

Want to write for the Community Voices Blog? Submit your idea here!

NAAFA Chronicles #80 - April 1987

CW: Health concern trolling

The NAAFA Chronicles reflect a piece of fat acceptance/fat activist history. In the April 1987 issue you will find: 1987 Convention updates, Matrix Woman's Newsmagazine devotes an issue to fat liberation, outrage in activism, media and publicity information, health concern trolling, and more!

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NAAFA Chronicles 79: March 1987

The NAAFA Chronicles reflect a piece of fat acceptance/fat activist history. In the March 1987 issue you will find: a prominent health writer taking a stand against dieting, activism letter writing campaign, an update on the 1987 Convention planning, and an invitation to volunteer with NAAFA.

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Moving Women’s Fatshion Forward Through The Years - Part 2

Fatshion (the term currently being used for fat fashion) and fatshionistas (those that love fat fashion) are something we see on social media every day. But what do we know of the history of women’s fat fashion?

This is part 2 of a 2-part review of the history of fat fashion visibility.

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Moving Women’s Fatshion Forward Through The Years - Part 1

Fatshion (the term currently being used for fat fashion) and fatshionistas (those that love fat fashion) are something we see on social media every day. But what do we know of the history of women’s fat fashion?

This is part 1 or a 2-part review of the history of fat fashion visibility.

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History, From the Newsletter NAAFA Admin History, From the Newsletter NAAFA Admin

NAAFA Chronicles 75: November 1986

CW: Discussion of intentional weight loss and weight loss surgery complications.

The NAAFA Chronicles reflect a piece of fat acceptance/fat activist history. In the November 1986 issue, you will find: discussion from a conference at the NY Academy of Science that diet-based approaches to permanent weight loss are "a disaster" and should be abandoned, updates on WLS procedures and more!

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In Celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Month

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. To our Asian and Pacific Islander community members, we honor you and past generations of Asian and Pacific Islanders who have made positive contributions to American history, laying the groundwork for future generations to continue their important work.

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Each month, we will be featuring educational resources on the NAAFA Community Voices Blog. This month, we focus on Women’s History Month 2022 and Black women that everyone should know. The breadth of the contributions of Black women to the U.S. is immeasurable. There are too many to recognize in this compilation, so here are just a few.

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Driven to End Weight Stigma

In this piece for Women’s History Month 2022, Barbara Altman Bruno PhD gives us a glimpse into why she felt “driven” in working to end fat stigma and toward fat liberation. Dr. Bruno conveys some of the history of the fat acceptance/fat liberation movement from her perspective, the beginnings of Health At Every Size and her work in preserving our history for the future.

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BIPOC, From the Newsletter, History, Antiracism Amanda Cooper BIPOC, From the Newsletter, History, Antiracism Amanda Cooper

NAAFA Recognizes Indigenous Heritage Month

Every November, we receive the reminder that American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month (as referred to by the United States government), also called Indigenous Heritage Month, provides the opportunity to recognize, reflect, and amplify Indigenous people, cultures and the historic and current impact of Native American activists and actions in the United States.

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