NAAFA Community Voices Blog

Sharing thoughts and ideas from fat community.

Image shows a young black woman with blonde hair and wearing glasses, a pink sweater and a laptop on the desk in front of her.

Image shows a young black woman with blonde hair and wearing glasses, a pink sweater and a laptop on the desk in front of her.

Blog postings are shown in date order of posting (newest to oldest). You may search by author, tag or use the following categories: Events, From the Newsletter, Guest Posts, History, Legislation, LGBTQIA+, Medical, Press Releases, Resource Guides, Videos, Webinars.

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Anti-Racism Resources - November 2022

Each month, we will be featuring educational resources on the NAAFA Community Voices Blog. Some resources will be historic information about systemic racism. Others will be resources on doing the internal work of understanding ourselves and how we play a part in that system. This month’s Anti-Racism Resources focus on Indigenous People in honor of Indigenous Heritage Month.

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Anti-Racism Resources - October 2022

This month we are looking at anti-discrimination and/or anti-rasicm legislation that has passed and those that are currently pending in the 117th Congress, which will end January 3, 2023. For the pending legislation, there is a link to information about who sponsored it, the actual text, and actions taken. It’s important to be aware of our rights and how legislation can support us in our work to end racism. If you have questions or comments about a specific resolution, bill or act, you can contact your representative via email.

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Report from the International Weight Stigma Conference

The annual Weight Stigma Conference (WSC) is an international interdisciplinary gathering of scholars, advocates, community leaders, and others whose work addresses weight stigma (bias against people who are considered “overweight” in their cultures). Founded by British scholar and activist Dr. Angela Meadows in 2013, the conference has been held in Birmingham (UK), Canterbury (UK), Reykjavik (Iceland), Vancouver (Canada), Prague (Czchek Republic), Leeds (UK), and London (UK). Although the conference was founded in 2013, COVID-related delays made this year the 8th offering of the in-person conference, with a commitment to adding more virtual elements in 2023 and a fully hybrid conference in 2024. 2023 and 2024 locations are yet to be announced.

NAAFA has supported the conference as a sponsor for many years. This year, for the first time, we sent an official delegation. Board Chair Tigress Osborn and Board Member-at-Large Elaine Lee traveled to Berlin in July to represent NAAFA at the conference and learn from fat community leaders from sixteen countries.

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