NAAFA Community Voices Blog

Sharing thoughts and ideas from fat community.

Image shows a young black woman with blonde hair and wearing glasses, a pink sweater and a laptop on the desk in front of her.

Image shows a young black woman with blonde hair and wearing glasses, a pink sweater and a laptop on the desk in front of her.

Blog postings are shown in date order of posting (newest to oldest). You may search by author, tag or use the following categories: Events, From the Newsletter, Guest Posts, History, Legislation, LGBTQIA+, Medical, Press Releases, Resource Guides, Videos, Webinars.

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Guest Posts, Healthcare Darliene Howell Guest Posts, Healthcare Darliene Howell

“I'm not okay, are you?”

Content Warning: discussion of suicidal ideation.

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. In the past, I haven’t acknowledged the cause. In fact, I stayed as far away from any mention of the word “suicide” as possible. I felt like being in mere proximity to the word would cast a light on a part of me I tried to keep hidden. The part of me that not only has attempted it in the past, but still thinks about it more frequently than I would like.

I’ve always felt such shame about my attempted suicide when I was younger, and even more shame that I still live with suicidal ideations. I wish I could say that it’s all behind me and I never have those thoughts anymore, but that simply isn’t true. Unfortunately, thanks to the stigma that still exists around mental health and mental illness, some of the shame still lives on, too.

In a time when so many people are dealing with difficult things, why do we all still try to deny that we’re struggling? If we were all honest with ourselves and each other maybe we would see more empathy being practiced.

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NAAFA Chronicles 79: March 1987

The NAAFA Chronicles reflect a piece of fat acceptance/fat activist history. In the March 1987 issue you will find: a prominent health writer taking a stand against dieting, activism letter writing campaign, an update on the 1987 Convention planning, and an invitation to volunteer with NAAFA.

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During #fatliberationmonth, NAAFA invited Anna Chapman (@iamannachapman) as a guest on the NAAFA Webinar Series. During Anna’s episode, Self Care for Fat Bodies (From Practical to Pampering), we promised to create a blog post compiling the resources, suggestions, and information crowd-sourced from Anna and webinar participants. This is that post!

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From the Newsletter, Antiracism, Healthcare, Medical Terri and Bill Weitze From the Newsletter, Antiracism, Healthcare, Medical Terri and Bill Weitze

Media and Research Roundup - June 2022

For the latest information and research on fatness, check out the Media & Research Roundup. This issue features: 14-year old Zeke Sanchez and how he is changing body expectations, memories of activist Dr. Cat Pause and discussion of the numerous weight loss drugs that the FDA is approving, and more!

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NAAFA is introducing RESEARCH SURVEY OPPORTUNITIES, a new monthly feature in the NAAFA Newsletter and on the NAAFA Community Voices Blog,.

The purpose of this feature is to share the opportunity to participate in surveys or studies that directly affect fat community. These research participation opportunities have been presented to NAAFA for possible sharing by the individuals or organizations that are leading the research. They were not created by nor are they sponsored by NAAFA.

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Activism, Guest Posts, Healthcare, Resource Guides Darliene Howell Activism, Guest Posts, Healthcare, Resource Guides Darliene Howell

Mental Health Awareness Month: My Journey to Becoming Fearlessly Just Me

When I was 10, the doctor told my mom that I was 30 pounds overweight. At the time, I weighed 120 pounds and according to the infamous “chart”, I was supposed to weigh 90 pounds. It would impact the choices I would make along the way in everything from relationships and job-related experiences to how I view weight loss.

I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and was told that what I was experiencing was depression. At that moment, I was speechless. There was a name to what I was going through. And it made me reflect on my life as a whole. My therapist told me that I probably developed this as a child because of that experience when I was 10 and she said that she was in awe that I had dealt with this for so long on my own.

So every year, when May rolls around, I celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month by sharing my story. It continues to evolve. No one is perfect and it’s perfectly okay to seek help when you need it.

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Activism, From the Newsletter, Healthcare Terri and Bill Weitze Activism, From the Newsletter, Healthcare Terri and Bill Weitze

Media and Research Roundup - April 2022

For the latest information and research on fatness, check out the Media Research Roundup. This issue features: "A Jar of Fat", a play written by Seayoung Yim, Plus Size Mommy takes on ABC and media that get plus-size pregnancy risks wrong, Tigress Osborn talks about NAAFA's work with Google in developing guidelines for inclusivity in marketing, and more!

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Activism, Medical, From the Newsletter, Healthcare Terri and Bill Weitze Activism, Medical, From the Newsletter, Healthcare Terri and Bill Weitze

Media and Research Roundup - March 2022

For the latest information and research on fatness, check out the Media Research Roundup. This issue features: lack of plus-size representation in fashion week, being weighed at the doctor’s office, anti-discrimination in Brazil, WW’s violation of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act Rule and more!

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Activism, Medical, From the Newsletter, Antiracism, Healthcare Terri and Bill Weitze Activism, Medical, From the Newsletter, Antiracism, Healthcare Terri and Bill Weitze

Media and Research Roundup - February 2022

For the latest information and research on fatness, check out the Media and Research Roundup. This issue features: how far we have gone and how far we need to go to change the pervasiveness of the "ideal body" in teen magazines, don't weight me cards, body neutrality, and more!

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Decolonizing Wellness Book Giveaway!

Decolonizing Wellness Book Giveaway!
Dalia Kinsey (Nonbinary|No Pronouns) is a queer, small fat, Black Registered Dietitian, the creator of the Body Liberation for All podcast, and author of Decolonizing Wellness: A QTBIPOC-Centered Guide to Escape the Diet Trap, Heal Your Self-Image, and Achieve Body Liberation. Dalia and publishers are giving away a free copy of the book to someone in our NAAFA community. Read the blog post to enter the giveaway! Enter by 2/28/22.

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Media and Research Roundup - January 2022

For the latest information and research on fatness, check out the Media and Research Roundup. This issue features: a travel article featuring Chubby Diaries travel blogger, Jeff Jenkins; a podcast interview; long term risks associated with WLS; Jessamyn Stanley shows how fitness instructors can become a fat ally and more!

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How A Doctor’s Allyship Is Changing My Life

Medical avoidance was the norm after my teenage years. The loathing and judgement from medical systems was too much. Avoidance put me in the hospital twice. I could not bear the thought of going to the doctors. I would cry at the thought of it. If for some reason I had to go, the entire time was panic-inducing.

Fast forward to 2020 and my forties. I was a few years into learning about Health at Every Size (HAES), weight biases, and Fat Liberation. I decided to take the leap and sought after a weight-neutral doctor. After researching in my area, I found one.

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Media and Research Roundup - December 2021

For the latest information and research on fatness, check out the Media and Research Roundup. This issue features: Fat myths, Bo-Po vs fat acceptance, healthism and ableism attitudes, traveling while fat, sharing fat history in an archive and more!

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Collecting Care Rationing Stories to Advocate for More Inclusive Healthcare

During emergencies like the COVID-19 pandemic, when hospitals are overwhelmed with the number of people needing help, they turn to “care rationing.” Care rationing means medical providers limit the types of care they provide to certain people.

Sometimes care rationing means that people will be denied life-saving care and instead will only receive care to help them be more comfortable. When care rationing happens on the basis of certain characteristics, it can be unlawful or wrong. Because COVID precautions often mean patients are without their usual support systems, care rationing can happen behind closed doors without input from family members, friends, support workers, or community. It is important to share stories of discrimination so that all people receive fair treatment.

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Medical, From the Newsletter, Healthcare, Activism, Media Terri and Bill Weitze Medical, From the Newsletter, Healthcare, Activism, Media Terri and Bill Weitze

Media and Research Roundup

For the latest information and research on fatness, check out the Media and Research Roundup. This issue features: studies around weight loss surgery complications, discussion on the body positive movement, NAAFA's FLARE (Fat Legal Advocacy, Rights & Education) Project provides a COVID-19 Vaccine Access , Fat Fact Sheet and more.

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Medical, From the Newsletter, Healthcare, Activism, Media Terri and Bill Weitze Medical, From the Newsletter, Healthcare, Activism, Media Terri and Bill Weitze

Media and Research Roundup

For the latest information and research on fatness, check out the Media and Research Roundup. This issue features: studies around weight loss surgery complications, discussion on the body positive movement, NAAFA's FLARE (Fat Legal Advocacy, Rights & Education) Project provides a COVID-19 Vaccine Access ,Fat Fact Sheet and more.

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