Display of naafa’s brochures and tool kits

Display of naafa’s brochures and tool kits


The Child Advocacy Tool Kit will help anyone and everyone understand how to improve the health of children without doing harm. Even more importantly, it demonstrates how to design programs and approaches that will improve the total health of all children.


General information on the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA).

NAAFA supports the premise that exercise is good for everybody, that physical activity is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and people of every size should be free to engage in physical activities free of judgment, bias and harassment. These are guidelines to help you work successfully with all your clients using a health centered approach.

We currently live in an environment that stigmatizes anyone who does not meet the aesthetic or medically defined categories of an ‘attractive’ or ‘healthy’ weight. As a result, rates of fat phobia have risen significantly in recent decades. NAAFA offers strategies to help healthcare providers offer the best possible care for your fat clients and help reduce health inequities created by weight stigma.

NAAFA has partnered with experts in nutrition and dietetics to create an educational tool to increase awareness of an evidence-based and weight neutral approach to sustaining or improving nutritional wellbeing. Nutritionists and registered dietitians have a unique opportunity to enhance their ability to work with all clients regardless of size, and to eradicate size discrimination and weight bias.

There are many assumptions which many believe to be true about fat people. These assumptions affect how therapists view and work with fat people in their practices. We recommend that psychotherapists practice weight neutrality: make no assumptions based on a person's weight, and don't tie goals of treatment to weight outcomes..

The dimensions of diversity have expanded to include broader aspects such as thought, style, perspective and approach. Still one dimension remains to be addressed, size diversity. The Executive Summary portion of this tool kit will focus on how employing people of all sizes is beneficial to the overall success of your business.

The purpose of this tool kit is to function as a training guide to help all Human Resources (HR) staff and hiring managers recognize their bias against people of size and guarding against those biases in the hiring and employment processes.

Each section will deal with a certain barrier students of size may encounter at an institution of higher education. This tool kit gives educators the information they need to incorporate size-friendly, universal design not just into the classroom furniture, but in the curriculum and the collegiate environment as well.

When you are a person of size, air travel can be an experience like no other. This brochure lays out a few tips that can make your travel experience a little easier.