The NAAFA Newsletter is our monthly electronic publication updating our community on NAAFA plans, programming, and other important news. The newsletter is edited and approved by the Board of Directors Communications Committee.
Media & Research Roundup - May 2023
The Media & Research Roundup is a series of the latest in news and research effecting fat folx compiled by Bill & Terri Weitze.
CONTENT WARNING: Some articles featured in the Media & Research Roundup may refer to stigmatizing events or use stigmatizing language.
NAAFA Chronicles #88
The NAAFA Chronicles are electronic versions of the NAAFA Newsletter from our earlier days and reflect a piece of fat acceptance/fat activist history.
CONTENT WARNING: Some articles featured in the NAAFA Chronicles may refer to stigmatizing events or use stigmatizing language.
Anti-Racism Resources - April 2023
Each month, we will be featuring educational resources on the NAAFA Community Voices Blog. Some resources will be historic information about systemic racism. Others will be resources on doing the internal work of understanding ourselves and how we play a part in that system.
This month we're sharing some pieces about anti-racism in arts and entertainment.
Media & Research Roundup - April 2023
The Media & Research Roundup is a series of the latest in news and research effecting fat folx compiled by Bill & Terri Weitze.
CONTENT WARNING: Some articles featured in the Media & Research Roundup may refer to stigmatizing events or use stigmatizing language.
NAAFA Chronicles #87
The NAAFA Chronicles are electronic versions of the NAAFA Newsletter from our earlier days and reflect a piece of fat acceptance/fat activist history.
CONTENT WARNING: Some articles featured in the NAAFA Chronicles may refer to stigmatizing events or use stigmatizing language.
Maintaining Fat Joy Amidst Relentless Diet Drug News
If you have any exposure at all to the mainstream media, it’s no surprise to you that weight loss drugs are dominating the national discourse about fat. How do we ensure that our critiques of these pharmaceutical companies’ practices and messaging don’t make life harder for those in our community who use and need their products–including these very drugs– to live? We want you to remember that, in the words of our Board Member Christina Chase, we brazenly celebrate fat joy!
CW: Discussion of Weight Loss Drugs
Hollywood’s Anti-Fatness Extends Beyond The Whale
Part of the problem with The Whale is not the movie itself, but that the movie exists in a Hollywood landscape in which there are still very few fat people at all, and almost no positive depictions of fat people, along with who they look to for input on the lives of fat people.
NAAFA’s Impact on the 2023 Impact Conference
Tigress Osborn, NAAFA Chair, and Tegan Lecheler, NAAFA Advocacy Chair, presented at the 2023 Impact Conference to an engaged group of young activists!
NAAFA in New York City and What's Next for the Big Apple
A hearing on New York City's bill to add height and weight to the anti-discrimination law, INT 0209, had fat folx from NYC testifying in it's favor.
NAAFA Chronicles #86
The NAAFA Chronicles are electronic versions of the NAAFA Newsletter from our earlier days and reflect a piece of fat acceptance/fat activist history.
CONTENT WARNING: Some articles featured in the NAAFA Chronicles may refer to stigmatizing events or use stigmatizing language.
Catching Up With the Campaign for Size Freedom
The Campaign for Size Freedom is an initiative of NAAFA and the Fat Legal Advocacy, Rights, and Education project (FLARE is a project of the Law Office of Brandie Solovay) and supported by Dove. It's aim is to change legislation around the U.S. to end weight discrimination. Read about what is happening right now!
Media & Research Roundup - March 2023
The Media & Research Roundup is a series of the latest in news and research effecting fat folx compiled by Bill & Terri Weitze.
CONTENT WARNING: Some articles featured in the Media & Research Roundup may refer to stigmatizing events or use stigmatizing language.
Anti-Racism Resources - March 2023
Each month, we will be featuring educational resources on the NAAFA Community Voices Blog. Some resources will be historic information about systemic racism. Others will be resources on doing the internal work of understanding ourselves and how we play a part in that system.
This month we're sharing support for Trans People of Color.