Catching Up With the Campaign for Size Freedom


Image description: Campaign for Size Freedom logo with smaller logos (NAAFA, FLARE, and Dove) beneath it.

By Amanda Cooper, NAAFA Communications Chair

Last month, NAAFA and Fat Legal Advocacy, Rights, and Education Project (FLARE, a project of the Law Office of Brandie Solovay) proudly launched the Campaign for Size Freedom, supported by Dove, to end body size discrimination. The Campaign for Size Freedom works to strengthen legal protections and shift cultural narratives about body size through education, advocacy and corporate social responsibility. Our goal is to make the promise of equality a reality for people of all sizes and from all backgrounds.

The Campaign for Size Freedom is the first coordinated national campaign to improve the lives of fat people through changes in state laws. It is also unique that the campaign is led by fat leaders with long histories in fat community, unlike some other efforts which are underwritten by companies that are marketing weight loss drugs and other interventions.

The Campaign also represents the first time a major international brand has made a commitment to fight anti-fatness and to recognize the beauty of fat people. Dove’s investment includes funding for FLARE to hire the first US-based fellow to study the current state of laws and legislation to protect fat people. The Size Freedom Fellow will also provide necessary support for FLARE’s existing projects and cases to advance accessibility and to ensure fat justice.

Just weeks after our launch, the Campaign has already exposed millions of people to the effort to secure fat rights. Through partnerships with major social media influencers, as well as local and national news coverage, we are spreading the word that the majority of people in the U.S. support passing laws to make height and weight discrimination illegal. With legislation pending in four states and in New York City, we will need to mobilize local activists to reach out to their legislators, and testify at hearings, like we did recently in New York City.  By raising NAAFA’s profile and signing up supporters for the campaign, we are organizing new and existing followers to join the movement for Size Freedom.

Be sure to follow us on your favorite social media @naafaofficial to keep up with calls to action and new developments in the Campaign for Size Freedom.

Photo of Amanda Cooper

About the Author

Amanda Cooper (she/her) is the NAAFA Communications Chair. Amanda joined the Board of Directors in 2020. She is an activist, organizer and Senior Partner at the LightBox Collaborative, a communication consulting firm. Amanda has more than twenty years of experience working with organizations throughout our social justice movements, including organized labor, civil rights, and reproductive health and justice.

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Amanda Cooper

Amanda Cooper (she/her) - Amanda joined the Board of Directors in 2020. She is an activist, organizer and Senior Partner at the LightBox Collaborative, a communication consulting firm. Amanda has more than twenty years of experience working with organizations throughout our social justice movements, including organized labor, civil rights, and reproductive health and justice.


NAAFA Chronicles #86


Media & Research Roundup - March 2023