Legislative Victory in Colorado


Image description: The CASE logo is in the top left corner and there are purple stripes around the edges of the image. The text reads: Legislative Victory in Colorado. HB24-1285 Passed. Student Weight-Based Bullying Prevention.


NAAFA and The Campaign for Size Freedom are proud members of Colorado Alliance for Size Equity (CASE) and we are excited to announce that HB24-1285 has passed both the House and the Senate and is expected to be signed by the governor soon, making Colorado one of only a few states to include height and weight in their anti-bullying policies.

We recently supported a new law that will add weight, height, and body size to the list of protected classes in Colorado’s bullying policies. The list currently includes disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, religion, ancestry, or need for special education services. The legislation has passed both the House and Senate, and it is on its way to the Governor's desk to be signed into law.

Big thanks to the members of the Colorado Alliance for Size Equity and other advocates who stood behind this policy to protect students in Colorado.

Learn more about CASE here. And be sure to sign the petition for the Campaign for Size Freedom to show your support for legislative change across the country to outlaw size discrimination!

Other Articles from the April 2024 Newsletter

Tigress Osborn

Tigress Osborn is the Community Outreach Director and Board Chair Elect (Board Chair position to begin January 1, 2021) Tigress joined the NAAFA Board of Directors in 2015 and became Director of Community Outreach in 2017. She is the founder of Full Figure Entertainment in Oakland, CA and co-founder, with activist/blogger Nicholet Deschine Parkhurst of Redstreak Girl, of PHX Fat Force in Phoenix, AZ. Her professional background as a youth advocate, diversity educator, and equity and inclusion consultant informs the fat liberation activism she has engaged in since 2008.


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Media & Research Roundup - April 2024