Anti-Racism Resources - September 2023


Image Description: On a blue to green gradient background is an illustration of three raised fists signifying people of color. Above the image is the text “Anti-Racism Resources September 2023” and below is the text “Latinx Heritage Month.”

Compiled by Dawn Clark, NAAFA Board Member

Each month, we will feature educational resources on the NAAFA Community Voices Blog to support our community in taking action to combat racism. Some resources will be historic information about systemic racism. Others will be resources on doing the internal work of understanding ourselves and how we play a part in that system. 

September 15 - October 15 is Latinx Heritage Month (also known as Hispanic Heritage Month). In this edition of NAAFA’s anti-racism resources, we focus on ways to support our Latinx/Latine/Hispanic family, friends, and neighbors.

I grew up in a part of the country with a large Hispanic, Latinx, and Indigenous Mexican population. I have had the opportunity to learn so much but also see firsthand the systemic racism that exists in every corner of their lives. I also see the massive injustice of the immigration system play out all the time. I have seen the fear in those eyes of people just wanting to live their lives, and I’ve come to understand the justified suspicion of every white person they see, not knowing who is going to cause them harm. I don’t have a good segway into the suggestions below, but I can say that there is joy and heartbreak and good things to read and learn!

Here are some book suggestions:

  • I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter by Erika L. Sanchez. There is a good description of the author and the book here.

  • Don’t Ask Me Where I’m From by Jennifer De Leon. She has a book called Borderless coming out in 2024 that I am excited to read! 

  • Colorin Colorado has created this list of books for young readers, but anyone would enjoy the stories.

  • For those who find audio books better, Audible has this list of Latino Stories in Biography and Memoir.

  • I personally can recommend Solito by Javier Zamora. The audio is so moving.

Biotiques compiled this great article about the immense contributions from Hispanic scientists.

I follow these accounts on social media as they have helped me in my anti-racism journey:

  • @hijodequetzalcoatl - I have learned a lot about some of the Indigenous Mexican cultures.

  • @latinosagainstspookyshit - he is hilarious and is also sharing his journey as a Dreamer navigating the immigration process.

  • @nalgonapositivitypride - Most of my learning about decolonization of bodies has come from all the labor they put into this site. I had the chance to meet Gloria and hear her speak. She is amazing.

Photo of Dawn Clark

About the Author

Dawn Clark (she/her) joined the NAAFA board in 2022. She is a board member at large and the chair of the Medical Advocacy Committee. She has given talks about Fat Hate she has experienced with Medical providers. She also works in her community to help with food insecurity and housing.

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