Anti-Racism Resources - July 2023


Image description: The Disability Pride flag is the background behind an illustration of three raised fists signifying people of color. Above the image is the text “Anti-Racism Resources July 2023” and below is the text “Disability Pride Month.”

Compiled by Dawn Clark, NAAFA Board Member

Each month, we will feature educational resources on the NAAFA Community Voices Blog to support our community in taking action to combat racism. Some resources will be historic information about systemic racism. Others will be resources on doing the internal work of understanding ourselves and how we play a part in that system. 

July is Disability Pride Month. In this edition of NAAFA’s anti-racism resources, we focus on ways to support our disabled and BIPOC family, friends, and neighbors.

Finding your community and coming together in joy or grief is vital to the human experience. But often these spaces leave out ALL of us, because when some are not there due to inaccessibility, ALL are diminished. Whether that is non-wheelchair-accessible spaces, nowhere to sit comfortably, or not providing interpreters for deaf or hard of hearing folx. This year marks 33 years since the Americans with Disability Act was signed into law. Still, we struggle to make all spaces accessible. For BIPOC folx, racism is compounded with ableism and inaccessibility creates extreme barriers to liberation and celebration.

When creating events to include everyBODY, here is a list compiled by Sandy Ho, Mia Mingus, and Alice Wong for creating accessible spaces, events, conferences, and more.

A few resources that I have found to further my learning about disability and anti-racism are The Disability Visibility Project and Anti-Racism Daily.

For myself, changing my social media feeds and podcasts to include more disabled voices has given me a new perspective on what “disability” means, hard truths I need to hear, and fresh ideas on how to move forward together. Here are some wonderful people to follow:

Imani Barbarin - @crutches_and_spice

Alex Locust - @glamputee

Alice Wong - @disability_visibility

Photo of Dawn Clark

About the Author

Dawn Clark (she/her) joined the NAAFA board in 2022. She is a board member at large and the chair of the Medical Advocacy Committee. She has given talks about Fat Hate she has experienced with Medical providers. She also works in her community to help with food insecurity and housing.

Other Articles from the July 2023 Newsletter

Trevor Kezon

Trevor Kezon is a Chicago-born writer who currently resides in Los Angeles. He primarily writes fiction for young audiences and his non-fiction has been featured in the New York Times. He also co-hosts The Big Fat Gay Podcast, which discusses issues that fat people and their admirers face in relationships, media, and society.

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NAAFA Chronicles #90