Posts tagged susanperez
Fat and Flat - On Breast Cancer & Body Love

Content warning: Discussion of cancer diagnosis and treatment

When I was initially diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005, I was thrust into a whirlwind. I found myself in a medical world where every tool in my toolbox, and some I didn't have yet, were going to be needed. I became an advocate, an expert, a researcher, and a journalist all at the same time. If each of these roles had an actual hat, picture a mile-high stack on my head. All these new roles were, of course, simultaneous with my daughter, mom, sister, friend, and other everyday roles. I was suddenly faced with so many medical decisions that were ultimately body and life altering decisions. I admit my initial choices were more based on saving my life more than being a cancer survivor and advocate. I was forced into one of the biggest strength tests of my life. You've probably heard the adage, "You don't know how strong you are until you have no other choice.” Well I was about to find out.

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