2024 NAAFA Board of Directors Search

We’re excited to announce we’re looking to expand our Board of Directors in 2024, and we invite you to help us find the right people!

We seek candidates who are passionate about ending size discrimination and want to engage in the planning and execution of NAAFA programming, events, and fundraising. NAAFA Board members are high-level volunteers who spend 8-12 hours per month on NAAFA projects. We fight for fat rights, oppose discrimination in all forms, invest in intersectional fat community, and brazenly celebrate fat joy.

The online application is open until October 31 at 11:59pm Pacific Time. We also invite you to nominate someone who would be a great fit for our organization; nominations are open until October 15th. The Board Search Committee (BSC) will review applications, conduct interviews, and check references on a rolling basis throughout October and November. The BSC will evaluate candidates and make recommendations to the NAAFA Board of Directors. The Board will make final selections by mid-December and invite new Directors to begin serving in January 2024.

Use the forms below to apply or make a nomination today!

Frequently asked questions

  • Do I have to be a fat person to be considered as a Board Member?

    • No! We welcome all applicants who are committed to ending size discrimination, regardless of the applicant's body size.

  • If I was nominated by a community member, do I still have to submit an application?

    • Yes, all nominees must still complete an application to be considered. 

  • How often do Board Meetings occur?

    • Currently board meetings are held once a month for 90 minutes, and subcommittee meetings occur on a roughly monthly basis. We expect Board Members to spend approximately 8-12 hours per month on NAAFA activities.

  • Is the Board fully remote?

    • Yes! Our Board of Directors live all around the country and we meet remotely via Zoom.

  • Is this a paid position?

    • No, this is a volunteer position.  Board members serve without remuneration and are ineligible to receive NAAFA grants and sponsorships during their time of service.

  • How long is the commitment?

    • This is a one-year commitment from January 2024-December 2024.  Board members have the option to serve on the Board for multiple years.

  • Will I be expected to make a donation to NAAFA as part of my year of service on the Board?

    • Whenever possible, Board members are encouraged and expected to support the organization’s fundraising and to make an annual financial contribution to NAAFA in an amount that is meaningful and accessible for them, but there is no minimum financial contribution required. NAAFA is committed to making board service accessible to all who apply regardless of income or access to financial resources.

  • Do Board Members have to be US citizens?

    • Yes, Board Members are required to be US citizens.

  • What if I want to help advocate for plus size people but I don't feel comfortable with the word "fat"?

    • The f-word is associated with so much stigma, violence, and trauma for many people, especially the largest fat people and fat people from other marginalized identity groups. We recognize that it can be a difficult word to use and to hear, but it is a deeply held value of our organization that using the word in neutral and affirming ways empowers fat people and reduces stigma. At NAAFA, we have used the word "fat" since our foundation. Although one can certainly advocate for larger-bodied people while using other neutral or affirming terminology, and although we welcome other respectful and non-medicalized terminology to be used, NAAFA Board Members are expected to use the word "fat" in their work on behalf of the organization.

Board of Directors - Duties of Office

  • Commitment to intersectional fat rights advocacy

  • One year commitment to board service

  • 8-12 hours per month time commitment during typical months, plus ability and willingness to commit additional time as needed. Board members are expected to track their time spent on NAAFA projects.

  • Engaged participation in all scheduled Board meetings (included in expected time commitment)

  • Reliable internet connection and willingness to participate in Board meetings via video call

  • Ability to respond within 72 hours to routine email correspondence from the Board and within 24 hours to emergency alerts from Chair or Administrative Director

  • Participation in training as agreed upon by the Board, including Board Retreat and anti-oppression training, unless prohibited by employment or emergency (all costs covered by NAAFA as needed).

  • Full participation in any national NAAFA conference that is scheduled during your board service unless prohibited by employment or emergency. (all costs covered by NAAFA as needed)

  • English fluency (additional languages are a plus)

  • Excellent written and/or verbal communication skills

  • Familiarity with Google Documents, Sheets, and Forms (or willingness to learn)