Welcome to the NAAFA Community Voices Blog!
Under the guidance of editor Samantha Puc and the NAAFA Board of Directors, the Community Voices Blog features writing from members of the fat community and our allies, especially those who are also disabled, LGBTQIA2S+, People of Color, and superfat/infinifat. We prioritize pieces that approach fat liberation and fat rights through an intersectional lens and seek to feature a diverse array of voices on fat experiences, cultural critiques of fatness in media, and more.
Additionally, we spotlight fat changemakers and provide resource guides and other tools for our community to engage in combating anti-fatness, advocating for fat rights, creating anti-racist approaches to fat liberation, and supporting systematically excluded communities.
The NAAFA Community Voices Blog seeks to cover all aspects of the fat experience, which often includes difficult subject matter. Although we do not accept pro-diet or pro-weight loss content for the blog, some posts may discuss diet culture and weight loss within the context of fat acceptance and liberation. Individual posts will include more specific content warnings.
DISCLAIMER: Any views or opinions stated on the NAAFA Community Voices Blog are personal and belong solely to the author. They do not represent the views or opinions of NAAFA or the people, institutions, or organizations the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacities, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual.
If you have an idea for the NAAFA Community Voices Blog, please pitch via this form!
To keep up with what’s going on at NAAFA, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on most social media @NAAFAOfficial and on Facebook @EqualityAtEverySize.
Tips from a Fat White Protester
Fat people are an asset to activism. Let us honor our bodies as the gifts that they are.
Fat Pleasure Activism: Reflecting on the Growing Popularity of Fat Pool Parties
At fat pool parties, we become possibility models for each other, encouraging one another to be who we are, as we are, without shame.
Thinness Won’t Save Us
Our relationships with our bodies don’t exist in a vacuum and the influx of weight loss marketing and content is working overtime to keep us dissatisfied and distracted.
Fat and Flat: On Breast Cancer & Body Love
When I was initially diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005, I was thrust into a whirlwind. I found myself in a medical world where every tool in my toolbox, and some I didn't have yet, were going to be needed.
NAAFA Poised for Even More Impact as We Hire Full Time Executive Director
NAAFA has hired Tigress Osborn to be our first full-time Executive Director!
Body Positivity Coverage Lags Way Behind Weight-Loss Storie
Year-round, media coverage of “larger bodied people” is almost 120 more times likely to focus on diet and weight loss than on weight stigma, bias or discrimination.