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Media and Research Roundup: October 2020

July 2020: A Chinese study finds that underweight patients are at a greater cardiac mortality risk after an acute myocardial infarction than all other weight classes.

June 16, 2020: Writing in Qualitative Research in Psychology, four fat activists propose that social science research on fatness, the fat body, and fat experience would benefit from a Fat Studies framework.

July 13, 2020: Dr. Sean Maloney has conducted a study wherein he finds that obese patients undergoing emergency general surgery have better mortality rates than underweight and average weight patients.

July 20, 2020: Not only is BMI a useless tool for measuring individual health, its roots are sexist and racist, and those problems continue to affect people today.

July 24, 2020: Prapti Sarkar explains the difference between body positivity and fat acceptance, and why supporting fat acceptance is important to society as a whole.

August 5, 2020: Ingrid R. Pipes talks about her pursuit of accomplishments and accolades as a means of protecting herself from judgment of her fat body.

August 7, 2020: Big Fat Science (at Tumblr) talks about how vaccine trials for COVID-19, like most previous medical trials, will probably be conducted on a homogenous group that excludes fat bodies to reduce variables in the study.

August 8, 2020: When British talk show host Jeremy Vine asked for thoughts about possible weigh-ins of British school children, the response is almost uniformly against, showing progress in thinking of children's weight and health.

August 8, 2020: Some experts talk about why obsessing over weight gain or lack of exercise during the pandemic is unhelpful, and offer some advice on how to deal with the stress in a more positive way.

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