Anti-Racism Resources: October 2020

[Image description: Graphic is a rectangle with a light pink background. Words in black lettering at the top read, "Fight RACISM." Below that are four raised clenched fists signifying black, brown, tan and white people.]

[Image description: Graphic is a rectangle with a light pink background. Words in black lettering at the top read, "Fight RACISM." Below that are four raised clenched fists signifying black, brown, tan and white people.]

Racism in America is a systemic issue. It supports the marginalization of non-white people. As a white person, it is not enough to believe "I'm not racist." It's necessary for us to recognize the history of racism in our country and the systems in place that not only allow it to continue, but reinforce it. It's a requirement for us to take action to dismantle the system for everyone to be truly free and to have equality.

Each month, we are featuring educational resources in the NAAFA Newsletter. Some resources will be historic information about systemic racism. Others will be resources on doing the internal work of understanding ourselves and how we play a part in that system. There will also be actions that can be taken to directly oppose racism.

These resources have been shared with us. One action we can all take now is to share them with others.

Here are the current featured resources:

The Truth About the Confederacy in the United States (FULL Version)
Jeffery Robinson, the ACLU's top racial justice expert, discusses the dark history of Confederate symbols across the country and outlines what we can do to learn from our past and combat systemic racism

White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
An essay by Peggy McIntosh, associate director of the Wellesley College Center for Research on Women.

Anti-racism resources for white people
A mega-document of resources compiled by Sarah Sophie Flicker and Alyssa Klein

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