Media and Research Roundup: October 2020

July 2020: A Chinese study finds that underweight patients are at a greater cardiac mortality risk after an acute myocardial infarction than all other weight classes.

June 16, 2020: Writing in Qualitative Research in Psychology, four fat activists propose that social science research on fatness, the fat body, and fat experience would benefit from a Fat Studies framework.

July 13, 2020: Dr. Sean Maloney has conducted a study wherein he finds that obese patients undergoing emergency general surgery have better mortality rates than underweight and average weight patients.

July 20, 2020: Not only is BMI a useless tool for measuring individual health, its roots are sexist and racist, and those problems continue to affect people today.

July 24, 2020: Prapti Sarkar explains the difference between body positivity and fat acceptance, and why supporting fat acceptance is important to society as a whole.

August 5, 2020: Ingrid R. Pipes talks about her pursuit of accomplishments and accolades as a means of protecting herself from judgment of her fat body.

August 7, 2020: Big Fat Science (at Tumblr) talks about how vaccine trials for COVID-19, like most previous medical trials, will probably be conducted on a homogenous group that excludes fat bodies to reduce variables in the study.

August 8, 2020: When British talk show host Jeremy Vine asked for thoughts about possible weigh-ins of British school children, the response is almost uniformly against, showing progress in thinking of children's weight and health.

August 8, 2020: Some experts talk about why obsessing over weight gain or lack of exercise during the pandemic is unhelpful, and offer some advice on how to deal with the stress in a more positive way.

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Terri and Bill Weitze

Terri and Bill Weitze have been active within NAAFA for years, and they currently coauthor the Media and Research Roundup in the NAAFA Newsletter. They both live and work in San Jose, CA, and met through a fat-positive bulletin board system before the days of the World Wide Web.


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