NAAFA Community Voices Blog

Sharing thoughts and ideas from fat community.

Image shows a young black woman with blonde hair and wearing glasses, a pink sweater and a laptop on the desk in front of her.

Image shows a young black woman with blonde hair and wearing glasses, a pink sweater and a laptop on the desk in front of her.

Blog postings are shown in date order of posting (newest to oldest). You may search by author, tag or use the following categories: Events, From the Newsletter, Guest Posts, History, Legislation, LGBTQIA+, Medical, Press Releases, Resource Guides, Videos, Webinars.

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What Fat Liberation Means to Me: Instagrammers Celebrate Fat Liberation Month!

At the beginning of Fat Liberation Month (May), NAAFA invited everyone to post in social media sharing what fat liberation means to them, using the #fatliberationmonth. There have been photos, video, graphics and written captions expressing the thoughts of fat folx all over social media! Here are a few of the responses we have seen so far this month on Instagram. We invite you to share your thoughts on fat liberation on your favorite social media platforms using the hashtag #fatliberationmonth also.

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Medical, From the Newsletter, Healthcare, Activism, Media Terri and Bill Weitze Medical, From the Newsletter, Healthcare, Activism, Media Terri and Bill Weitze

Media and Research Roundup

For the latest information and research on fatness, check out the Media and Research Roundup. This issue features: studies around weight loss surgery complications, discussion on the body positive movement, NAAFA's FLARE (Fat Legal Advocacy, Rights & Education) Project provides a COVID-19 Vaccine Access ,Fat Fact Sheet and more.

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May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. In this edition of NAAFA’s anti-racism resources, we want to focus on Asian American and Pacific Islanders and what each of us can do to break the cycle of racism and violence against our AAPI family, friends and neighbors.

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From the Newsletter, Events, Activism Darliene Howell From the Newsletter, Events, Activism Darliene Howell

Everyone at NAAFA is proud and excited to announce our first-ever Fat Liberation Month!

Everyone at NAAFA is proud and excited to announce our first-ever Fat Liberation Month! Here at NAAFA, we’ve planned lots of fun and educational activities for May. All of them are free of charge to fat community and fat-positive folx of all sizes. We hope they will entertain you, teach you, inspire you, and fortify you with an extra, supersized dose of support as you strive to live your best fat life during what is, for many, one of the most challenging times in modern history.

We can’t wait to see all the ways you choose to celebrate Fat Liberation Month yourselves. Use #FatLibertionMonth on your favorite social media sites to show off how you’re celebrating and to check out how others are celebrating, too!

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CNSU Medical Students Provide Hope for the Future

In December 2020, Dr. Lily O’Hara had the great pleasure of presenting a webinar to medical students at California Northstate University (CNSU) on fat phobia in medicine. In the webinar, she discussed concepts related to weight-based oppression, and how fat people and people with larger bodies can experience such oppression in encounters with medical settings and medical practitioners.

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Medical, From the Newsletter, Healthcare, Activism Terri and Bill Weitze Medical, From the Newsletter, Healthcare, Activism Terri and Bill Weitze

Media and Research Roundup

For the latest information and research on fatness, check out the Media and Research Roundup. This issue features: discussion of why dieting and forced exercise is child abuse in the form of punishing a child because of their (natural) body size; studies showing the protective aspects of fat in acute coronary events and coronary artery disease, how weight should not be a factor in total knee replacement; a call for body neutralty rather than body postitivity; calling out fitness instructors that make food something to fear and the need for exercise to counteract the food you eat.

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From the Newsletter NAAFA Admin From the Newsletter NAAFA Admin

Fat Spring Reading List: Book Recommendations from the NAAFA Board

We asked NAAFA’s four newest board members to each choose a fat-relevant book. The variety of authors and subjects they've covered in just four picks is incredible. This spring, you'll read the works of an acclaimed Black chef and cultural historian, a disability justice icon, a hot new fiction writer, and a well-known fat activist. Once again, we'll host webinars featuring the authors.

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Black Women and Femmes in NAAFA's History

Some time ago, I was tagged in an Instagram post about remembering that Black fat people are the roots of fat activism. The Instagrammar in question pointed out that if we are going to say things like "honor Black women & femmes," we should be backing that up by actually knowing fat activist history and naming the names of the people we mean.

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Resource Guides, Medical, From the Newsletter Terri and Bill Weitze Resource Guides, Medical, From the Newsletter Terri and Bill Weitze

January Media and Research Roundup

For the latest information and research on fatness, check out the Media and Research Roundup. This issue features: the ineffectiveness of workplace wellness programs, weight loss surgery causes bone loss, BMI and Alzheimer's, calling out fashion companies that are just in it for the money, a pandemic is not the time to start stressing your family about weight gain; and more!

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Changing Perspectives for Medical Students

This journey of identifying and challenging fatphobia began as a personal one, but I realized that this was knowledge that my fellow medical students needed too. We are the next generation of health professionals, but our education on the treatment of larger bodies is being informed by the current establishment. If something is to change, it needs to start with us.

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Guest Posts, From the Newsletter Darliene Howell Guest Posts, From the Newsletter Darliene Howell

2020 - A Year in Review

I think everyone would say that 2020 has been a very eventful year. Although it has been a very tough year for many, we have also seen people connecting in ways we may not have considered previously, giving us hope.

Organizationally, I believe that NAAFA has helped our members and fat community as a whole to deal with the chaos. We have worked to support and combat the negative effects of 2020 with positive change.

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Resource Guides, Medical, From the Newsletter Terri and Bill Weitze Resource Guides, Medical, From the Newsletter Terri and Bill Weitze

December Media and Research Roundup

For the latest information and research on fatness, check out the Media and Research Roundup. This issue features: an interview that tells medical professionals that their notions about fatness are overly simplistic or just plain wrong; a study on the positive response of fat people to immunotherapy in bladder cancer; and more!

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From the Newsletter Tigress O From the Newsletter Tigress O

Santa and Stigma: Thoughts on the Thinning of a Fat Icon

I say bring on Santas of all sizes, all races, all genders! Whether that's retelling the Santa story, casting actors to be mall Santas, or dressing yourself up as the world's most recognizable jolly fat guy, I think the Santa story should be accessible to folx from many walks of life in whatever ways bring them joy and help them spread joy. I love Santas!

But there is only one kind of Santa experience I cannot abide. There is no room in my life for Body Shame Santa Stories.

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From the Newsletter Peggy Howell From the Newsletter Peggy Howell

Surviving the Season

With others to care and provide for and so much to do, it is important that you take care of yourself to avoid becoming sick. It's impossible to have that holiday of everyone's dreams this year; we really need to protect ourselves and our loved ones by being extra careful.

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History, From the Newsletter NAAFA Admin History, From the Newsletter NAAFA Admin

NAAFA Chronicles 58: NAAFA Achievement Awards, Weight Loss Surgery and the Meaning of Fat Activism


NAAFA Chronicles 58: NAAFA Achievement Awards, Weight Loss Surgery and the Meaning of Fat Activism

The NAAFA Chronicles are a piece of size acceptance history and give you a look at what was happening in NAAFA during a specific period. This posting, we are looking at the Fall, 1983 issue of the NAAFA Newsletter that discusses a wide range of information related to fat community.

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