Anti-Racism Resources - March 2023

Image description: An illustration of three raised fists on a Transgender Pride Flag.

Compiled by Trevor Kezon

Each month, we will feature educational resources on the NAAFA Community Voices Blog to support our community in taking action to combat racism. Some resources will be historic information about systemic racism. Others will be resources on doing the internal work of understanding ourselves and how we play a part in that system.

This month we're sharing support for Transgender People of Color. You can find more resources on the NAAFA website.

It's a scary time for your trans friends and family, especially those who are also BIPOC, fat, queer, and/or disabled. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) reports that anti-trans bills across the USA include 23 that target children in schools and school sports, which are part of a stunning surge of more than 175 anti-LGBTQ bills in 32 states this year. Saying you're an ally isn't enough. Here are some tools to better educate yourself and some ways to take action.

The National Center for Transgender Equality has an extensive guide on supporting the transgender people in your life. Several other organizations also have guides such as GLAAD, The Trevor Project's guide on supporting transgender and nonbinary youth, and the HRC.

It's also important to make sure to center the most marginalized trans folks, so consider donating to one of the many Black Led Trans Organizations. These organizations provide important resources, rent & surgery funds, and workshops. They need support now more than ever.

If you're in an area affected by one of the many book bans, consider helping the kids and teens (13-21) in your life apply for a National Teen BPL eCard through Brooklyn Public Library's Books Unbanned Program.

Right To Be is hosting Bystander Intervention to Support Trans* Equality on March 31st, as well as Bystander Intervention: How to be an Ally when you witness abuse online March 22.

The National Center for Transgender Equality also has guides on how to take action on a national and state level. They break down these bills state by state and will link you to contact your local legislators. You can also sign up for emails to get notified when there's urgent action in your state.


NAAFA Admin shares articles, blogs and information from the Board of the organization.

Media and Research Roundup - March 2023


NAAFA Chronicles #85 - September 1987