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Meet Our New Board Members!

Image description: There are three photographs laid out on a charcoal gray background with blue, yellow, and white shapes. From left to right, the photos are of Kat Redniss (she/her), Jae’Lynn Chaney (she/her), and Francisca Moreno (they/them). Above the photos is the text: “Meet Our New NAAFA Board Members for 2024”

By NAAFA Board of Directors

Our search for new members of the NAAFA Board of Directors started last fall and wrapped up in December with great results! Big fat thanks to all of our community who shared the search, nominated community members, and provided recommendations for candidates. We had up to three seats to fill, and we decided to fill all three. It was such a tough choice to finalize our three selections, because the applicant pool was one of the best, brightest, and most diverse we’ve ever seen. We are excited to welcome these three new leaders to the NAAFA Board of Directors. 

Jae’Lynn Chaney (she/her) is a content creator and entrepreneur from Washington. She is widely known for her unapologetic advocacy for fat people, especially via her petition to the FAA to make air travel accommodating for passengers of size. 

Francisca Moreno (they/them) is a local organizer and communications professional in Delaware. They are passionate about intersectional approaches to developing community leaders and honoring community voices. They’ve already been busy advocating for policy change in Delaware to outlaw size discrimination. 

Kat Redniss (she/her) is a development director and burlesque performer in Vermont. If she looks familiar to you, it’s because she co-hosts events for Drag Story Hour, including our own Virtual Fat Brunch Story Hour last summer. 

Learn more about our three new team members and catch up with our other board members and staff at And stay tuned for opportunities to get to know more of our board members and volunteers via Tamra Talks, our Instagram Live series hosted by Social Media Director Tamra Dozier-Garland. Be sure you’re following us on Instagram @naafaofficial so you don’t miss those episodes!

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