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Get a Sticker, Send a Message

[Image description: Images of the two NAAFA stickers appear with the following text: Donate to NAAFA in August and receive this sticker. Join the POD and get this sticker, too!]

By Amanda Cooper, Board Chair of NAAFA

I get excited anytime I see a fat person who I think might believe in fat liberation and be interested in NAAFA. NAAFA has enriched my life in so many ways and I want to spread the love! Still, it can be scary to approach other fat folks about fat rights, because many are still invested in diet culture. That’s why it's always a relief if someone is wearing a t-shirt or sporting a sticker on their water bottle that right away tells me they are on the right side of fat history.

Fat lib swag is not just fun, it's a tool for connection and building a bigger movement. Which is why I am SO EXCITED that NAAFA is able to offer these amazing, adorable stickers you can use to tell the world that you support fat people in general, and NAAFA in particular!

The stickers are special because they feature the artwork of Bats Langley in his final year of creating illustrations for our Fat Liberation Month programming. If you have loved his work these last few years, this is your chance to get a bit of it through a donation!

If you are an ongoing donor and member of the POD, you should soon receive your sticker in the mail, if you haven’t already. And if you want one, you can join the POD or make a one time donation of $5 or more during Fat Liberation Month.

So be loud and proud about your support of NAAFA! Or let your sticker speak for you.

Other Articles from the August 2024 Newsletter

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