Contact the MA Judiciary Committee - Email Template

To the Joint Committee on the Judiciary:

I am writing to ask you to vote favorably on Bill H.1705/ S.1108, “An Act prohibiting body size discrimination,” introduced by Representative Tram T. Nguyen and Senator Rebecca Rausch. I fully support this bill, and I hope you will, too. 

Remove this text and insert your own examples of how size discrimination has impacted you.

  • Be specific about the harm size discrimination has caused to you, your community, or your loved ones. 

  • Tell the committee about your identities. If you face compounded discrimination based on race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, or disability AND weight/height/size, it is especially important for the legislators to learn about how size discrimination impacts you.

  • Consider highlighting one or more of these areas: employment, education, medical treatment/mistreatment, housing, accessibility needs, government services. These are suggestions, but you need not limit yourself to those topics.  

  • You can include data to back up your reasons for supporting this bill, but you don’t have to do so. Personal stories from constituents matter in addition to data from experts.

  • If you have professional expertise related to size discrimination, you can include that.

  • If you have not experienced personal discrimination based on size, include your thoughts on why this bill matters to you for the protection of your fellow Massachusetts residents.

  • If your own MA officials are on this committee, you can remind them that you are a voter in their area. The committee is chaired by Representative Michael S. Day and Senator James B. Eldrige. You can find a list of other committee members here.

Only a handful of places in the US have laws protecting against height and weight discrimination.* The Commonwealth of Massachusetts should lead the nation in addressing this important civil rights issue. I urge you to support this bill. Thank you for considering my input.


[Your Name, location, and any affiliations]



Send your MA message to:

Sen. James B. Eldridge, Senate Judiciary Chair

Sen. Lydia Edwards, Senate Judiciary Vice Chair

Rep. Michael S. Day, House Judiciary Chair

Rep. Christine P. Barber, House Judiciary Vice Chair


Contact your NY Representative - Email Template

Dear (Senator or Assembly Member name),

I am writing to express my support for A7170A / S2440 “An Act prohibiting body size discrimination,” introduced by Assembly Member Linda Rosenthal and Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal.

Remove this text and insert your own examples of how size discrimination has impacted you.

  • Be specific about the harm size discrimination has caused to you, your community, or your loved ones. 

  • Tell the committee about your identities. If you face compounded discrimination based on race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, or disability AND weight/height/size, it is especially important for the legislators to learn about how size discrimination impacts you.

  • Consider highlighting one or more of these areas: employment, education, medical treatment/mistreatment, housing, accessibility needs, government services. These are suggestions, but you need not limit yourself to those topics.  

  • You can include data to back up your reasons for supporting this bill, but you don’t have to do so. Personal stories from constituents matter in addition to data from experts.

  • If you have professional expertise related to size discrimination, you can include that.

  • If you have not experienced personal discrimination based on size, include your thoughts on why this bill matters to you for the protection of your fellow NY residents.

Only a handful of places in the US have laws protecting against height and weight discrimination.* The State of New York should lead the nation in addressing this important civil rights issue. I urge you to support this bill. Thank you for considering my input.


[Your Name, location, and any affiliations]


Your voice matters!

Thank you for supporting size freedoM!