Help NAAFA support fat positive academic and medical research by giving to the Dr. Paul Ernsberger Research Scholarship Fund

Graphic shows a lab beaker with bubbles at the top and reads, “Dr. Paul Ernsberger Research Scholarship Fund”

Created through the generous gift of a long-time NAAFA supporter, the Dr. Paul Ernsberger Research Scholarship Fund is a memorial tribute to NAAFA Advisory Board member and one of the co-founders of Health At Every Size® (HAES®) Paul Ernsberger, PhD. 

Dr. Ernsberger’s decades of research on metabolic syndrome, diabetes, weight cycling, and the medical harm caused by diet obsession and weight bias has had an immeasurable impact on debunking myths and misunderstandings about fat and health. It is an honor for NAAFA to support the continuation of his important work by supporting graduate students who hope to carry on and advance Dr. Ernsberger’s legacy.

With Dr. Ernsberger’s passing in May 2021, fat community feels the loss of a pioneer in research. You can find more of Dr. Ernsberger’s contributions to medical and nutritional education in NAAFA’s Newsletter Chronicles and, more recently, in the last piece he contributed to the NAAFA Community Voices Blog in  March 15, 2021. 

Scholarships in honor of Dr. Ernsberger will be available for the Fall 2022/23 term.  Applications and additional info will be available in Spring 2022. Priority will be given to graduate students of marginalized identities (POC, LGBTQIA+, disabled, fat/superfat).

Donate via our main giving form or through Paypal. Choose the Paul Ernsberger Research Scholarship Fund designation from the drop down menu.

We thank everyone who gives to further the mission of Equality At Every Size and of NAAFA!

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