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Media and Research Roundup: December 2022

CONTENT WARNING: Some articles featured in the Media and Research Roundup may refer to stigmatizing events or use stigmatizing language.

For the latest information and research on fatness, check out the Media & Research Roundup.

November 21, 2022: A group of top researchers studying the O word (fatness) gathered at London’s Royal Society to work on a consensus regarding its cause. Reading the suggestions from different scientists is reminiscent of the fable about the blind men and the elephant. And not surprisingly, in the end, they only agreed on what it is not. It is not personal failure.

November 30, 2022: Rev. Dr. E-K Daufin’s book On Fat and Faith: Ending Weight Stigma in Yourself, Your Sanctuary and Society is now available through NAAFA member Rev. Dr. E-K Daufin "will sooth your soul with practical spiritualized Health At Every Size; anti-patriarchy, Fat-positive practices; and social justice, intersectional Fat Liberation activism."

December 7, 2022: Kirstie Alley, who recently passed away, seems to have been defined by her weight. Caught in the loop of yo-yo dieting, she somehow managed to maintain a glamorous image no matter what the scale said.

December 13, 2022: Virginia Sole-Smith explains why finding plus-size clothing for children is even harder than for plus-size adults.

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