Fat Fall Reading List: Highlighting Black Authors

As the country debates how students should return to class this fall, your NAAFA Board is thinking about the ways we can continue to work on education for our membership and the greater community. Our goal is to increase accessible learning opportunities for fat people and those who support us. We strive to ensure that these opportunities empower fat people, support our membership in understanding and building on intersectionality, and live up to the commitment we made this summer to do more in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and movements for social justice.

We will continue to bring our membership educational opportunities through our popular NAAFA Webinar Series. In addition, we've put together a Fall Reading List of fat Black voices, recommending one book for each month of the Fall 2020 semester. We'll be working on supplemental materials to support your reading of these books (blogs on our new website, webinars, book chats). We will also continue to expand our recommendations of other resources by, for, and about fat people who are PoC, LGBTQIA+, disabled, and superfat. Stay tuned for more details. Please feel free to send suggestions to our Director of Community Outreach at naafasurvey@gmail.com

September: Unashamed: Musings of a Fat, Black Muslim by Leah Vernon

October: Fat Girls in Black Bodies: Creating Communities of Our Own by Dr. Joy Renee Arlene Cox

November: The Body is Not an Apology by Sonya Renee Taylor

December: Fearing the Black Body: the Racial Origins of Fat Phobia by Sabrina Strings

Bonus: So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo

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