NAAFA Community Voices Blog

Sharing thoughts and ideas from fat community.

Image shows a young black woman with blonde hair and wearing glasses, a pink sweater and a laptop on the desk in front of her.

Image shows a young black woman with blonde hair and wearing glasses, a pink sweater and a laptop on the desk in front of her.

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Guest Posts, Medical, Fat Liberation Month Peggy Howell Guest Posts, Medical, Fat Liberation Month Peggy Howell

Diets Really Don’t Work

Stop believing the diet industry’s marketing. Stop believing the hype and the lies. We are not all meant to be the same. We come in all sizes; short, tall, thin, fat and everything in between. Learn to accept and celebrate our differences.

Stop buying into the lies that you are not fine just the way you are. Don’t believe the diet and healthcare industry when they tell you they are only concerned about your health. It’s not your health, it's your money that concerns them!

Take the time to consider what you are hungry for and enjoy the best possible food you can. Find an activity that you enjoy, whether it’s walking, swimming, dancing, working out...include that in your life on a regular basis. Focus on the things that matter like family, friends and helping others. The rest will take care of itself!

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History, Medical, NAAFA Organization, Health At Every Size Barbara Altman Bruno History, Medical, NAAFA Organization, Health At Every Size Barbara Altman Bruno

The History of Health at Every Size®: Chapter 7: The Early 21st Century

HAES® and the war against obesity responded increasingly to each other by the 21st century. The war against obesity ramped up to what sociologist Abigail Saguy referred to as a moral panic, from the late 1990s on. This post discusses the history of Health at Every Size in the early 21st century.

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CNSU Medical Students Provide Hope for the Future

In December 2020, Dr. Lily O’Hara had the great pleasure of presenting a webinar to medical students at California Northstate University (CNSU) on fat phobia in medicine. In the webinar, she discussed concepts related to weight-based oppression, and how fat people and people with larger bodies can experience such oppression in encounters with medical settings and medical practitioners.

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Medical, From the Newsletter, Healthcare, Activism Terri and Bill Weitze Medical, From the Newsletter, Healthcare, Activism Terri and Bill Weitze

Media and Research Roundup

For the latest information and research on fatness, check out the Media and Research Roundup. This issue features: discussion of why dieting and forced exercise is child abuse in the form of punishing a child because of their (natural) body size; studies showing the protective aspects of fat in acute coronary events and coronary artery disease, how weight should not be a factor in total knee replacement; a call for body neutralty rather than body postitivity; calling out fitness instructors that make food something to fear and the need for exercise to counteract the food you eat.

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History, Medical, NAAFA Organization, Health At Every Size Barbara Altman Bruno History, Medical, NAAFA Organization, Health At Every Size Barbara Altman Bruno

The History of Health at Every Size®: Chapter 5: The Early 1990s

The early 1990s looked bad for diet programs and products and good for the developing anti-diet movement—a term possibly coined by Overcoming Overeating’s Carol Munter in response to a press query. This post discusses the history of Health at Every Size in the early 1990s.

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Resource Guides, Medical, From the Newsletter Terri and Bill Weitze Resource Guides, Medical, From the Newsletter Terri and Bill Weitze

January Media and Research Roundup

For the latest information and research on fatness, check out the Media and Research Roundup. This issue features: the ineffectiveness of workplace wellness programs, weight loss surgery causes bone loss, BMI and Alzheimer's, calling out fashion companies that are just in it for the money, a pandemic is not the time to start stressing your family about weight gain; and more!

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Changing Perspectives for Medical Students

This journey of identifying and challenging fatphobia began as a personal one, but I realized that this was knowledge that my fellow medical students needed too. We are the next generation of health professionals, but our education on the treatment of larger bodies is being informed by the current establishment. If something is to change, it needs to start with us.

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History, Medical, NAAFA Organization, Health At Every Size Barbara Altman Bruno History, Medical, NAAFA Organization, Health At Every Size Barbara Altman Bruno

The History of Health at Every Size®: Chapter 4: The 1980s

The decade of the 1980s was characterized in part by Reagonomics and a “greed is good” business ethos; the burgeoning size of Americans along with a greater societal focus on physical fitness; women increasingly entering and competing in the workforce; the emergence of AIDS; the explosive rise of personal computing, and the end of the Berlin Wall and the Cold War. This post discusses the history of Health at Every Size in the 1980s.

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Resource Guides, Medical, From the Newsletter Terri and Bill Weitze Resource Guides, Medical, From the Newsletter Terri and Bill Weitze

December Media and Research Roundup

For the latest information and research on fatness, check out the Media and Research Roundup. This issue features: an interview that tells medical professionals that their notions about fatness are overly simplistic or just plain wrong; a study on the positive response of fat people to immunotherapy in bladder cancer; and more!

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