Media and Research Roundup - October 2023


Image description: A photo of a tablet showing news stories and a folded newspaper.


By Bill and Terri Weitze

CONTENT WARNING: Some articles featured in the Media & Research Roundup may refer to stigmatizing events or use stigmatizing language.

August 29, 2023: Researchers study the impacts of weight loss and weight gain on exceptional longevity (living past age 90), including associations between weight stability and longer life. Study and article are linked.

September 15, 2023: Colombian artist Fernando Botero, known for his rotund subjects, passed away on September 15 at the age of 91.

September 28, 2023: The FDA has added the side effect of ileus, or intestinal blockage, to drugs Ozempic and Wegovy. Ileus was already listed as a side effect of semaglutide drug Mounjaro.

October 4, 2023: A doctor describes her personal experience as a patient and then as a doctor in her journey to practicing weight-neutral healthcare and the changes to her practice due to the arrival of drugs like Ozempic.

October 7, 2023: The members of the Eating Disorder Harm Reduction Workers publish an open letter to the Eating Disorder Recovery Industry setting out their concerns and demands to strive for a more just and effective approach to the treatment of eating disorders.

Pic is of Terri and Bill Weitze, a Caucasian couple, both wearing glasses

Terri and Bill Weitze have been active within NAAFA for years, and they currently coauthor the Media and Research Roundup in the NAAFA Newsletter. They both live and work in Michigan, and met through a fat-positive bulletin board system before the days of the World Wide Web.

Terri and Bill Weitze

Terri and Bill Weitze have been active within NAAFA for years, and they currently coauthor the Media and Research Roundup in the NAAFA Newsletter. They both live and work in San Jose, CA, and met through a fat-positive bulletin board system before the days of the World Wide Web.


NAAFA Chronicles #93 - June 1988


Anti-Racism Resources - October 2023