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[Image description: Square with light blue background with white hand-drawn stars and a black and white photo array of the 2020 webinar presenters on the left. On the right it states (in white lettering), “The #NAAFAWEBINARSERIES highlights the work of those that are working to make the world a better place for people of all sizes through fat activism, fat studies, fat arts and fat visibility. Webinars are free to all participants!” Below that in a golden swatch states (in white lettering), “All 2020 Giving Tuesday donations to NAAFA go directly to supporting speaker stipends and accessibility services for the 2021 NAAFA Webinar Series. #NAAFAGIVINGTUESDAY 12/1/2020”]

#NAAFAGivingTuesday is your opportunity to support the work of NAAFA and specific programs that work to support you. This year, our #NAAFAGivingTuesday campaign focuses on the NAAFA Webinar Series program. NAAFA’s Mission is ambitious:  to eliminate discrimination based on body size. We do this through advocacy and education in a variety of ways, and our NAAFA Webinar Series is the cornerstone of our education program. Help us help fat community and others who want to learn by supporting this essential program!

The NAAFA webinar series started in 2017 with NAAFA Advisory Board members presenting from their areas of professional expertise. Since then, the program has grown to include a diverse array of topics, speakers and guests. By the end of 2020, we will have featured 30 different guests (and we’re not done with 2020 yet)! Twenty two of those were featured this year as we worked hard to provide increased online options for community in a world where so many of our members and supporters are sheltering at home. 

We offer these webinars free of charge in order to ensure that cost is never a barrier to participation. Each webinar includes the opportunity to interact live with presenters and fellow participants, and every webinar is then posted to YouTube so viewers from around the globe have access at any time. We are working to ensure that each webinar post includes an English transcript, and we hope to add further accessibility options to our webinar program in the future. 

All #NAAFAGivingTuesday donations will fund two purposes: 

  • Speaker stipends for presenters from underrepresented/marginalized backgrounds, including BIPoc, LGBTQIA+, disabled, and superfat guests

  • Transcription services for each webinar (FYI- rather than hiring corporate transcription companies, we hire independent transcribers from within fat community) 

Donating via Facebook (just click the donate button on the NAAFA page) stretches your contribution even further today because there are no processing fees and because Facebook has committed to matching up to $7,000,000 in #GivingTuesday donations this year. You can also donate through our website at

2020 has been a challenging year for so many of us. We are always appreciative of our supporters, and we are especially so during these tough times. Every act of generosity counts! You can also help by sharing this with your friends by inviting them to this event.

Thank you for your continued support of NAAFA!