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As we wrap up a banner year, it's time to Fund Fat!

Image description: The text “fund FAT” is displayed within turquoise shapes on a darker blue background.

By Amanda Cooper, NAAFA Board Chair

As we come to the time of year that highlights gratitude, it's a good moment to take stock of what we have achieved in 2023. The movement for fat liberation is growing and gaining momentum. This year, NAAFA and our allies have:

  • Launched the national Campaign for Size Freedom and passed legislation ending size discrimination in housing, employment, and public accommodations in New York City

  • Helped Pinterest become “Diverse by Default” with women’s fashion search results that always include plus sized people

  • Generated more than 3000 media mentions, up from 347 in 2022

In 2024, we are committed to continuing to build our movement, increase our media and online presence, provide ongoing dynamic and responsive programming and education, and support anti-discrimination legislation campaigns in at least 5 states. 

Advocacy, education, and support take resources, but we are still largely a community-funded, volunteer-run organization. Though our support is increasing, we still don’t receive the kind of foundation grants that sustain most civil rights nonprofits. 

As our reach and ambitions for our movement and the health and happiness of fat people grows, our budget is growing too. That’s why we are asking our community to come together and FUND FAT. We need more donors and bigger donations to reach our 2024 goals, pay staff, and support our campaigns.

On average, nonprofits generate 26% of their annual revenue in December. We’ve set a goal of $20,000 for this campaign, and whether we reach it will tell us a lot about how ambitious we can be in the fight for fat rights in 2024. 

One way to show the world that fat people deserve equal treatment and access to all that life has to offer is to build a bigger base of support and Fund Fat! By donating to NAAFA, you show the world that the fat liberation movement will not be ignored.

When you give to NAAFA, you…

So join us, and give to our Fund Fat campaign. When you #FundFat, you make more of everything possible!

Photo of Amanda Cooper

About the Author

Amanda Cooper (she/her) is the Chair of the Board and Communications Committee Chair for NAAFA. Amanda joined the Board of Directors in 2020. She is an activist, organizer and Senior Partner at the LightBox Collaborative, a communication consulting firm. Amanda has more than twenty years of experience working with organizations throughout our social justice movements, including organized labor, civil rights, and reproductive health and justice.

Other Articles from the November 2023 Newsletter

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