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A Fat-tastic Fat Liberation Month

Image is a color banner illustration by artist, Bats Langley, for Fat Liberation Month. Pictured are twelve fat characters representing different sizes, shapes, races, genders, ages and abilities all in celebration of fat liberation. In the center of the banner is the Fat Liberation Logo; a multi-colored ball, like the sun, reading, "Fat Liberation Month".

By Tigress Osborn, Executive Director of NAAFA

Wow, what an August we just had! Look how much we accomplished during Fat Liberation Month:

  • We hosted 10 virtual events featuring 17 guests (you’ll be able to revisit many of them soon on our YouTube channel)

  • We introduced Tamra Talks on Instagram, and our followers had the chance to get to know several NAAFA Board members through this new series. 

  • Dove’s social media allies reached thousands on Instagram and TikTok with messages about what Fat Liberation means to them and how to support the Campaign for Size Freedom. Executives from Dove also joined our NAAFA Webinar Series to discuss their commitment to inclusive beauty

  • #fatliberationmonth hit 1000 uses (and counting) on Instagram and was used by organizations and individuals all over the world

  • Supporters like you helped us raise $1,700 via Meta + $900 in direct donations to NAAFA in August

Of course, as with so many of our favorite celebrations, the spirit of FLM does not need to be limited to August. We asked everyone who joined us for our Fat and Happy Hour FLM Finale to share wishes for how we can take the Fat Liberation Month Energy into the rest of the year, and they added their thoughts to the Jamboard shown here. You can add your own thoughts to the comments on this Instagram post, too!

Image Description: A screenshot of a Jamboard creation which includes the FLM banner image and post-it notes in various bright colors with fat liberation messages typed on them.

Fat Liberation Month just keeps getting bigger and better, and we are so thankful to all of you who participated and supported this year. We’re busy planning lots of virtual events for the rest of 2023, and we’ve already got great ideas for next year’s Fat Liberation Month! 

We are committed to keeping this programming free for fat community and fat positive folx, but we can only do that with your support. There’s no need to wait until next August to give to NAAFA– you can do it any time of year or you can do it all year long by becoming a monthly donor. Visit today to help fund accessible virtual programming for everyone during Fat Liberation Month and all year long! 

Photo of Tigress Osborn

About the Author

Tigress Osborn (she/her) is NAAFA’s Executive Director. Tigress joined the NAAFA Board of Directors in 2015 and became Director of Community Outreach in 2017. She is the founder of Full Figure Entertainment in Oakland, CA and co-founder, with activist/blogger Nicholet Deschine Parkhurst of Redstreak Girl, of PHX Fat Force in Phoenix, AZ. Her professional background as a youth advocate, diversity educator, and equity and inclusion consultant informs the fat liberation activism she has engaged in since 2008.

Other Articles from the September 2023 Newsletter

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