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NAAFA Poised for Even More Impact as We Hire Full Time Executive Director

Image Description: A photo of Tigress Osborn and Amanda Cooper on the steps of the New York City Hall.

Recent wins and our rising profile have shown us what resourced, dedicated and strategic advocates for fat rights can do. Under the leadership of Tigress Osborn, NAAFA has co-founded a historic national campaign, launched Fat Liberation Month, and developed a board that is more diverse and intersectional than we’ve ever been. We’ve made our programming more inclusive, we’ve supported more multiply-marginalized fat people, and we’ve become a louder voice of fat liberation in the mainstream media. During Tigress’s tenure as volunteer Board Chair, NAAFA has also deepened relationships with other fat-led organizations and social justice groups; partnered with other higher ed institutions, labor movement, and legislators; and worked closely with household names like Dove, Google, and the American Bar Association. 

But our movement is chronically under-resourced, with most folks doing the work as volunteers, or are doing underpaid project work or unstable gig work to sustain their fat advocacy efforts. Knowing this, NAAFA has prioritized paying more people for their time and energy, even as we have remained an all volunteer board primarily supported by other volunteers. We’ve been able to do that mostly through the support of the fat people and allies who share our values and support our work. 

Thanks to the generosity of our community, successful fundraising from other sources, and indications that we will continue to have increasing visibility and opportunities, NAAFA is now in a position to be able to strengthen our organization through the talent and dedication of paid staff.  To that effect, the Board of Directors voted at our June meeting to create the position of Executive Director and hire Tigress Osborn. On July 1, Tigress will become our first paid Executive Director in over 20 years. The Board has also contracted part-time administrative support provided by A-Team Virtual, a longtime supporter of fat rights and HAES clients. Paid staff not only increases our capacity to advocate for and serve fat people, it also paves the way toward becoming a more sustainable organization that lives our values and supports diverse leadership.

Photo by Earl Tubbs Contrast Photography

Image Description: Photo of Tigress Osborn

“Fat people in 2023 demand more rights and respect than ever before, and it is an honor to be trusted to continue to lead NAAFA in this new role,“ Tigress said. “But as rights and respect and safety are being chipped away and stripped away for so many communities, we need an intersectional approach to fat activism more than ever. I am excited to help NAAFA continue down this path.”

With Tigress moving into the role of Executive Director, NAAFA needed a new Board Chair. The Board has Elected Communications Chair and Board Member since 2020, Amanda Cooper to serve as NAAFA’s next Chair.

“Tigress’s leadership has truly transformed this organization. It’s thrilling to be able to support her in this new role through a new role of my own,” says Board Chair Elect Amanda Cooper.  “I am honored by the Board’s faith in me and hopeful that my decades of nonprofit experience and the support of fat community will position us for continued and increased success.”

The board of directors has taken this action because we know it's what our movement, and fat people, need from us. This commitment significantly increases our operating budget. If you want a strong, sustainable, and equitable fat rights movement, please become a monthly donor today.