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Anti-Racism Resources

[Image description: Graphic is a rectangle with a light pink background. Words in black lettering at the top read, "Fight RACISM." Below that are four raised clenched fists signifying black, brown, tan and white people.]

Compiled by Darliene Howell

Each month, we will be featuring educational resources on the NAAFA Community Voices Blog. Some resources will be historic information about systemic racism. Others will be resources on doing the internal work of understanding ourselves and how we play a part in that system. There will also be actions that can be taken to directly oppose racism. You can find more resources on the NAAFA website at

SoulPancake has created short videos that talk with people from various communities to learn from their experiences in the How You See Me series.

Why Do Labels Matter? | How you See Me
Asian | How You See Me
Black | How You See Me
Latino | How You See Me
Arab | How You See Me
How to Practice Understanding | How You See Me

The Intersection of Fatness and Other Marginalized Communities
When 'moti' And Unmarriageable Is All That You Are In South Asian Culture by Zahra Haider from
Dismantle Anti-Fatness by Nicole Cardoza from Anti-Racism Daily
Body Size | How You See Me from SoulPancake
Everything That We Know About Obesity Is An Indictment Of White Supremacy by Hess Love from
Your Fat Stigma Is Racist - Here Are 6 Ways to Shift That by Caleb Luna from

Portrait of Darliene Howell, an older Caucasian woman with short white hair, wearing glasses.

Darliene Howell (she/her) - Administrative Director for NAAFA. Darliene has worked directly with NAAFA since her retirement in 2004; first as the recording secretary to the Board of Directors in 2007, then elected as the Chair of the Board and Administrative Director in 2015. She has been active in fat community 20+ years.