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Anti-Racism Resources

[Image description: Graphic is a rectangle with a light pink background. Words in black lettering at the top read, "Fight RACISM." Below that are four raised clenched fists signifying black, brown, tan and white people.]

Compiled by Darliene Howell

Each month, we will be featuring educational resources on the NAAFA Community Voices Blog. Some resources will be historic information about systemic racism. Others will be resources on doing the internal work of understanding ourselves and how we play a part in that system. There will also be actions that can be taken to directly oppose racism. You can find more resources on the NAAFA website at

Historical Perspectives of Racism

Watch a Never-Before-Aired James Baldwin Interview From 1979
Buried by ABC at the time, the segment reveals a unique glimpse into Baldwin's private life--as well as his resounding criticism about white fragility, as blisteringly relevant today as it was in 1979.

The Asian American wealth gap, explained in a comic
The largest wealth gap in the country comes down to the history of Asian migration.


Black and Brown People Have Been Protesting for Centuries. It's White People Who Are Responsible for What Happens Next
Understanding how White Supremacy is still part of the lives of white allies, and that institutional change starts with personal change.


The Racial Reckoning That Wasn't
In the wake of several high-profile police killings last summer, support for Black Lives Matter skyrocketed among white Americans. Two researchers explain why last year's so-called racial reckoning was always shakier than it looked.

LGBTQIA+ People of Color

Leveling Difference: The Antiracist Struggle for LGBTQ+ Justice
Ibram X. Kendi interviews Don Lemon, host of Don Lemon Tonight on CNN and discusses his experience as a Black gay man, the racism and homophobia he's faced, witnessed and battled against. He and Dr. Kendi discuss how the antiracist struggle includes the struggle against homophobia, transphobia, and all forms of bigotry targeting members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Portrait of Darliene Howell, an older Caucasian woman with short white hair, wearing glasses.

Darliene Howell (she/her) - Administrative Director for NAAFA. Darliene has worked directly with NAAFA since her retirement in 2004; first as the recording secretary to the Board of Directors in 2007, then elected as the Chair of the Board and Administrative Director in 2015. She has been active in fat community 20+ years.